Friday, March 14, 2008

Where Did the Time Go?

Whoops! I managed to miss a whole week of blogging. Needless to say, it's been busy around here!

Saturday, March 8

Everything cancelled due to bad weather. A winter storm for all of Ohio. Blah day at home. Lots of ice, really hard to go out and feed.

Sunday, March 9

Sue had an Irish Dance performance. That is such a neat dance form, but I'm not sure she has the interest level to justify doing what it takes to become really good at it. Most of the competitive level dancers in her group travel a couple of hours distance one way, once or twice a week for extra lessons. I don't see us doing that time wise, nor money wise.

Monday, March 10

I think I found a buyer for all 4 ewes. That's right, the oldest lamb we have, lambed today. Since she has that hurt leg, C. wasn't even sure she could be bred or carry a lamb. And she didn't have that usual, trash-can-on-legs look that most of the ewes get when they get close. She never looked all that big.

So now I need to figure out what to do with the rams. They are nice boys, from two distinctly different Soay bloodlines. I hate to make them into freezer meat if someone could use their genetics.

Starting to get lots of eggs now.

Tuesday, March 11

Family. I though mine was bad, but I continue to see worse, so I should thank God that this bunch is all I have to contend with!

Sue occasionally amazes me here lately. She has these little bursts of maturity that are absolutely dazzling. Today she decided to clean the kitchen. She washed and organized, even scrubbed the cannister set. Wow. And just the other day she decided to get out some recipes and cook dinner. She made cheeseburger pie, salad, and a wonderful chocolate tart for dessert. But in between all that she acts like a a 6yo and drives me crazy. Was I like this when I was 9?

Wednesday, March 12

I was going to go to a town about an hour and a half away to take Mom to a fabric store for quilt supplies, but with gas now hitting $3.50 here, we decided to save our gas money for tractor and mower gas. To keep her spirits up, S. and I went up to her house to lay out a tied(or knotted)comforter that our 4-H club will knot at the meeting Friday and donate to a fundraiser. She gave me some fabric, but we didn't get very much work done.

Fiber-wise, I have been very remiss lately. Perhaps after Easter I can get going again. I did break some of it out for 4-H and we did a little mini-sampler on lucet braiding, drop spindle spinning, weaving, and of course, learning how to knot that quilt! I would like to teach the older ones how to spin on one of my wheels, to say this politely...I don't want the little ones involved. They just don't have the focus to listen to and follow instruction and if they don't, the wheel could easily be broken. Maybe I will work on their obedience skills and then bring the wheel in later.

Thursday, March 13

We did school, as we do every morning. But as the weather improves, it is getting harder. Now S. wants to take T. the dog for "just a little potty walk", and 30 minutes later they come back in. But I can't blame them. It has been such a long winter. I just adjust our schedule and we do lunch at 12:30 instead of at 12:00.

I got a little burnt out there for a while, but now I am back in the saddle, hoping to finish strong. I am still concerned that S.'s composition skills are not very good, but we will continue to chip away at that.

Friday, March 14, (today--finally caught up!)

School this am and then 4-H in the afternoon. A fun time was had by all at the meeting. Our club is slowly growing in size. I do enjoy being the advisor but sometimes don't feel equal to the task.

Regarding the dog training, S. has been taking Em. off lead when she takes T for a walk in the morning. Both are doing well. T did so well at the dog club meeting on Monday. She did her little sits, downs,heeling, sides, touch all with a room full on new people and several dogs. I was so proud of her. Now we are working on her paw/handshake behaviors, large circles around the handler, and reinforcing the other stuff she has. I really hope to have half of the freestyle routine worked out by April 12-13 for the workshop. And maybe a little more by the following weekend Expo.

So, that is my life on fast-forward. Tomorrow is the day I designated as our home workday. I want to spend a couple of hours in the barn, one shoveling horse manure out and one cleaning in the feed room. Then I would like to come in, catch up on all the laundry, and perhaps do some serious mending. I think C. may work on sorting some of the tons of tools and hardware in the utility room, and I will assign S. to deep clean her room and to find a good location for all the various puppy paraphernalia she has already acquired. At this rate, she will need a trailer to hold all her show equipment!

That's all for now. Goodnight.

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