Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday Supplement Number 3

Easter! Christ is risen, He is risen,indeed!

I had a bit of a tough time keeping the religious focus this Easter since we invited the extended family to have the holiday meal here at our house, but I really enjoyed the church service before the meal. The rest of my time was consumed by house cleaning and cooking.

Due to a number of circumstances, we have offered to take in our 15yo nephew to live with us. While I am usually the type of person who would freak out about something of this magnitude, I am unusually calm about it. I really think I have been able to leave it in God's hands. If He wants it to happen, it will and it will be a wonderful blessing for all concerned. If He doesn't want it to happen, then it won't and no amount of my planning and scheming will change things. I haven't planned out every contingency nor have I already decorated his bedroom.

I dont' know if this will ever happen or when. It could unfold in a calm, peaceable manner and he could come at the end of the public school year. Or it could explode and we could get a call in the middle of the night tonight. There are just too many variables for me to get all worked up about it now. I did discuss it with S., so that she would not be taken totally by surprise if it did come to pass. We will start deep cleaning in the extra bedroom, so that if it does come to a crisis in the night, we can have a fresh, clean bed ready for him. But anyway, I got a real sense of peace at church on Sunday.

We had 10 for Easter dinner and served ham and all the trimmings. After the meal, we played bluegrass and old time music and rode around in Mom's Kawasaki Mule. The kids went out and fed a bunch of old, stale cereal to the chickens. Which made for a memorably festive day for both folks and fowl. All in all it was a very nice celebration.

He is risen!

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