Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Supplement #3

I'm going to call this SS No. 3 because I want to do something special when we have had a "month of Sundays".

Today was very pretty but a little cool. S. had archery practice today after church. I was surprised to find out how cool it was when we got out of the car, so I raided my winter supply bag. Among other things I put on a pair of sweat pants under my church dress, a baggy sweater-coat, and my shawl on top of that. Later C. told me I looked like a bag lady in her pajamas. I think he was implying that I was not exactly a fashion plate. But I was toasty warm, so there!

I came home and watched an interesting vidoe clip on a show called Canine Confidential. It talked about how people were making their dogs "full fledged members of their families" now and that they were treating them more like people than animals, and spending big bucks.

I am pondering this information along with the activities we are currently on the tip of joining--the canine freestyle, or dog dance competitions. Is is silly to teach a dog a routine of behaviors to do to music and then to gather with other like minded folks to perform and compete? The benefits include learning about animal behavior, animal training, choreography, performing, and the fact that is is a fun activity for my 9yo daughter the involves her getting up and running and dancing. Even though it may be a bit silly, it sure beats time at the computer playing games, letting muscle tissue waste away, and working on a case of her own childhood obesity.

We have recycled many of our horse grooming tools for the dogs, along with a crate we used for holding sheep which was originally a jumbo dog crate anyway. I can see how things could get out of hand though. Thank heavens freestyle does not require the purchase of a lot of expensive equipment. My big expense will be going to the occasional show or workshop. However, I justify that as the cost to participate in a wholesome, fun, family-friendly activity that has educational benefits on the side. What hobbies do urban girls get involved with around the age of 9-12 or so?

I will continue to report on how this is working out.

Hope everyone is having a nice, peaceful Sunday afternoon.


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