Tuesday, July 22, 2008

As the dust Settles, a Winner Emerges...!

After several weeks of fighting with my old computer and then fighting with the blogging software to make it let me in, I finally have access to my own blog again! Hooray!

So, let's see... we have continued with the 4-h stuff, but not as well as I would have liked. S didn't put the time in on her projects like I had hoped she would. And her scores on judging day showed that. Her worst was a 74, barely acceptable. The next was a 90, which was about what she had earned. And the third one was a 96 on the project where she spent the most effort--her dog project, surprise surprise.

Now we are working daily to see if she can get ready for the state fair competition. It is not so much about the competition as it is about takign things to completion and reaching down and sticking to things when the going gets tough. I am not sure how well this 9yo will do on that.

I have gotten fairly gung ho about trying to organize my house, since I feel that tough times are coming and I want to have tabs on all my resources and know what I am missing.

---oops, gotta go, sheep are out------

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